Henriette started in 2016 Kids Care Coach – Kids Care Coach.
Henriette is a mother of 2 boys with special needs.

Because both boys needed a special education in a special school. In 2016, Henriette set up a company to help other parents organize care tasks, care files, and to secure or arrange the rights of the disabled child.

In addition, she has helped more than 40 families to guarantee care tasks, linked supervisors to children with special needs and taught all families to budget to pay for care by requesting budgets from the government.
Because the government had divided care in the Netherlands so differently and subdivided in terms of guidance and costs, it is a jumble of rules that the local government is unaware of, but is described in special legislation.
As a parent of these special children, it is a daunting task to understand what is going on with your own child medically, but you also need to be a lawyer to know what rights special children need

Each country has arranged it in its own way.
This is also the reason that I can share experiences with all care parents, but it will depend on how the government has arranged it per country.
What I would like to be through this web page is to provide a forum for concerns about disabled children by connecting parents by country.
Parents with children with disabilities can register via info@refeellifestyle.com
Supervisors in care who want to guide parents can reach via info@refeellifestyle.com

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